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Novel Drug Discovered to Improving Outcomes following a Brain Hemorrhage
On March 2nd, a manuscript from the Burke Medical Research Institute describing a novel drug for improving outcomes following brain hemorrhage was published in Science’s sister journal, Science Translational Medicine. The work was spearheaded by Saravanan Karuppagounder, Ph.D., an Instructor at the Burke Medical Research Institute, an affiliate of Well Cornell Medicine.
The authors describe the validation of the body’s oxygen sensors as a target for treating brain bleeding. Further, they describe the characterization of a new drug, adaptaquin that was developed on the Burke campus as a brain penetrant inhibitor of oxygen sensors in the brain. Impressively, they show that the drug can effectively improve outcomes following brain bleeding in two distinct rodent models of brain bleeding out to a month after the stroke, and they define a novel mechanism for the action of this drug.
The drug has been licensed by a company who is moving it forward for potential human application provided tests of safety are met.