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Research Compliance

Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)

Burke Neurological Institute (BNI) is committed to overseeing the conduct of research in a manner that ensures the integrity of the research process and maintains the public trust and that of sponsors in the integrity and credibility of its faculty, its staff, and its research programs. As an academic affiliate of Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM), we abide by WCM's Policy on Financial Conflict of Interest Related to Research, which complies with the Public Health Service (PHS) regulations on Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which PHS Funding is Sought [(42 C.F.R. Part 50, Subpart F) and Responsible Prospective Contractors (45 C.F.R. Part 94)].

PDF icon WCM's Policy on Financial Conflict of Interest Related to Research

BNI will make available within 5 business days upon receipt of a request as described below, information concerning Significant Financial Interest (SFI) disclosed to BNI that meets the following criteria:

  • The individual for whom information is sought, is identified by BNI in the grant application, progress report, or any other required report submitted to the NIH as a senior/key personnel on an NIH grant or cooperative agreement for which a notice of award was issued on or after August 24, 2012;
  • The SFI is still held by the senior/key personnel for the NIH-funded research project;
  • BNI has determined that the SFI is related to the NIH-funded research; and
  • BNI has determined that the SFI is a Financial Conflict of Interest.

If your request meets the conditions outlined above, please follow the instructions below:


  • Complete the form below for each SFI for which you are seeking information. Incomplete forms will not be considered and will not be responded to.
    PDF icon BNI SCI Form
  • Print, sign and attach a scanned copy to an email. The title of the email should be: "Public request for information regarding NAME OF INVESTIGATOR on NIH AWARD #". Send the email with attachment to burkegrants@med.cornell.edu.
  • Alternatively you can print the completed form, sign and send it by regular mail to:

Office of Compliance and Grants Management 

Burke Neurological Institute

785 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605

BNI will respond via email to the email address provided in the form. If a paper copy is required, please enclose a self- addressed, postage paid envelope. Mailed responses will be postmarked no later than five (5) days after receiving a valid request (as described above) at the email address or the mailing address provided above.

Research Integrity

The integrity of an institution should never be in question. Thus, the Burke Neurological Institute (BNI) and the scientific community within it must do everything possible to prevent research fraud or other research misconduct. The Institute’s policy governing research integrity is available upon request by any individual who would like to read it in its entirety.  PDF icon bni_research_integrity_policy-24.april_.pdf

Burke Neurological Institute has selected NAVEX, a leading national service vendor, to provide you with a simple and anonymous (if desired) way to confidentially report activities that you believe may involve improper conduct or violations of BNI's Policies or applicable laws and regulations.

 Please utilize the following URLs to access the reporting form. Additionally, the QR code provided can be scanned using a mobile device's camera, directing you straight to BNI's Mobile Intake Site.

Web Intake Site: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/95044/index.html

Mobile Intake Site: https://bniresearch.navexone.com/intake/