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News for Spinal Cord Injury

Showing 13 - 18 of 46 total
Cyril and Carlo working on their roof top
Research scientists around the world are still carrying on with “The Mission” to conduct the science hope demands. This article by Dr. Cyril Eleftheriou, with contributions from Drs. Julia Kaiser, Paola Bianchimano and Carlo Corona of the Burke Neurological Institute outlines what scientists are focusing on in times of a PAUSE in experimentation.
Man using MacBook
Dr. Kathleen Friel shares her experiences about living with a chronic neurological disability during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as resources and tips for others living with disabilities.
Raj in lab
Awarded By: 
John Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University announced with great honor to induct Dr. Raj R. Ratan, executive director of Burke Neurological Institute, into the John Hopkins Society of Scholars. Each year, the Society of Scholars Selection Committee elects a limited number of scholars, artists, and scientists who spent a portion of their careers at Johns Hopkins from among the candidates nominated by Johns Hopkins University faculty.

2019 - A Year in Photos

Burke Neurological Institute is pleased to share our highlights and impacts achieved during 2019. Together, we renew hope to those living with neurological disabilities by helping people to see, remember, talk, write, and walk again. Enjoy these accomplishments from 2019 as we look forward to a bright 2020!
Drs. Moreno-López and Vivinetto Travel Grant Winners
Awarded By: 
International Symposium on Neural Regeneration 2020
Dr. Yunuen Moreno-López and Dr. Ana Vivinetto, postdoctoral fellows at Burke Neurological Institute, have won travel grants to present posters at the 18th International Symposium on Neural Regeneration in Asilomar, California, held on January 26 to 30, 2020.

Happy Holidays from Burke Neurological Institute

Burke Neurological Institute is very grateful to our Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, patients, families, and friends. Thank you for bringing our mission to life and for supporting our efforts to advance the Science that Hope Demands!