Getting Trained on Core Equipment
- You should know what your goals are for imaging. Are you looking for just a nice picture, or do you want to do long term time-lapse imaging, or quantification of fluorescence intensity, tracking of particles, counting of nuclei, etc.? If necessary, contact Cyril Eleftheriou by email to discuss available options and timeline.
- Select equipment that you want to use.
- Read and understand the
Imaging Core Rules. Please print out a copy, sign it, and bring it to your training session. - Contact Cyril Eleftheriou by email to schedule a training session. By gaining access and using the equipment at the Imaging Core, you are agreeing to abide the rules.
- Watch the movie Preventing Objective Damage.
- For the training, bring a typical sample that you plan to image. For fixed samples, please use glass slides with number 1.5 coverslips that are sealed, dry, and clean. We do not recommend training on live samples, as we want to focus on instrument settings and not the health of the sample.
- You will receive one-on-one hands-on training with your sample on the most appropriate microscope system for your experiment. You will be taught how to start up and shut down the system safely. If you have specific expectations or goals, please let us know ahead of time. The training session will be tailored to your experiment.
- After the training session, you will have an assisted session where you are expected to demonstrate that a) you are able to safely operate the equipment and b) you can set up the system based on your experimental requirements.
- You will receive access to BMRI booking system.
- Ideally, you will sign up to starting imaging on your own a day or two after receiving training so you can really learn the system. You must use the system at least 4 times within the next 3-4 weeks to keep access to the system.
- After-hours access to the scopes is granted to users who have successfully accomplished 4 independent session during the Core business hours.
- If you did not use a system for a long time (few months) please check with Cyril Eleftheriou if any changes have been made.