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A First Time Study on Brain Tissue Identifies Key Cells that Facilitate Early Stages of Repair After Stroke
Drs. Rajiv Ratan and Saravanan Karuppagounder and the Ratan Lab at the Burke Neurological Institute recently collaborated with leading author, Dr. Lauren Sansing, Academic Chief of Stroke and Vascular Neurology and Associate Professor of Neurology and Immunobiology at Yale, and her team on a biomarker study to investigate the dynamics of inflammation at the site of brain bleeding, also known as hemorrhagic stroke. Myeloid cells can contribute to inflammation-associated tissue damage to the brain after stroke. The research team examined how myeloid cells can also facilitate repair by clearing debris and promoting tissue remodeling during the early stages of repair. The study showed that a transcription factor, hypoxia-inducible factor, which the Ratan lab has been studying for years, marks myeloid cells that are associated with good long term recovery. The study was completed in parallel with the MISTIE III clinical trial, and is among the first to define immunological changes within brain tissue in a non-infectious injury like hemorrhagic stroke. Their findings are now published on Science Immunology.