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News for Cerebral Palsy

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David's photo
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. David Gould will be joining the Burke Neurological Institute (BNI) as Chief Operating Officer starting in early April.
Kathleen working
Building a culture of inclusion is an ongoing journey, we are committed to honoring diverse minds and beliefs held by all. With great honor, Dr. Kathleen M. Friel, a brilliant scientist and a key influencer in changing the future of cerebral palsy, shares with us her insightful perspective on the need for cerebral palsy awareness, the demand for CP research, going beyond science, and what you can do.
News Highlights of 2020

As we look back, our news highlights during the pandemic year of 2020 spotlight how we joined together to overcome challenges to carry on with our mission to find cures for chronic neurological disabilities.

Friel lab zooming
The Friel Lab has quickly adjusted our daily work focus and our long-term vision for clinical trials. They are grateful for the opportunity to focus on data analysis and writing papers from a recently completed clinical trial.
Photos of Kathleen
In the Media
Media Outlet: 
Authority Magazine
As a part of our “Unstoppable” series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Kathleen Friel. Dr. Friel was born with cerebral palsy (CP), a neurological disability that affects her speech, walking, and fine motor skills. As she grew up, Kathleen’s interest in science blossomed.
View a recorded webinar from our special series on Science Fuels Hope.