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Surf Science Project

Published Research Project:
Surf Science Project

Dr. Putrino's research took him from the lab to the beach in Salina Cruz, Mexico for a collaborative surf science project with Red Bull's High Performance talent-sponsoring division. During a week of surf camp, Dr. Putrino's lab suited up 15-year-old professional surfer Jake Marshall to a waterproof EEG system to record and capture surf-brain activity to help answer Red Bull's question "What does stoke look like in the brain?"

The neuroscience research team was able to record 17 minutes of EEG data as Jake paddled out and selected a wave worthy of riding all the way back to the beach. While the team is still analyzing the data, Dr. Putrino is amazed by Jake's alpha waves that are similar to wave patterns associated with relaxation and meditation. "We'd say, close your eyes and focus on your breathing, and immediately we'd see this overwhelming alpha power," says Putrino. "It's not often you see that so strongly."

By studying the minds of surfers and Red Bull-sponsored professional athletes using powerful low-cost technology the Putrino lab's mission is to enable athletes with tools and information to enhance their performance. This first time exploration of using a waterproof EEG system has Red Bull and the Putrino lab asking more questions to about the brains of athletes.

This Is What Happens When Scientists Go Surfing

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