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Dr. N. Jeremy Hill Awarded Doctors of Distinction by Westchester County

Dr. N. Jeremy Hill Awarded Doctors of Distinction by Westchester County

Awarded By: 
Westfair Communications

Westfair Communications honored Burke Neurological Institute’s Dr. N. Jeremy Hill with the Biomedical Breakthrough award, as one of 13 Doctors of Distinction in Westchester County for 2018. Dr. Hill is a research scientist at Burke Neurological Institute and the director of neurological technology at Blythedale Children’s Hospital. He specializes in brain-computer interface research and software development for clinical applications. His research, as described in the recognition, is “committed to the process of innovation … to allow smart, adaptive technology to answer the outstanding needs of rehabilitation following brain injury.”

Westfair Communications honored Burke Neurological Institute’s Dr. N. Jeremy Hill.

Dr. Hill is leading an innovative neurotechnology initiative at Blythedale Children’s Hospital, a new approach for monitoring neurological rehabilitation. He developed a health-tech system called Scalable Neurological Assessment Platform (SNAP) which is comprised of three technological components: computerized tracking using low-cost devices, real-time physiological measurement using wireless electroencephalography (EEG) headsets, and big-data analysis. By integrating SNAP into the practice of pediatric neurorehabilitation at Blythedale Children’s Hospital scientists and physicians are pushing the envelope of the current state of neurorehabilitation. The ground-breaking system measures behavior and function very precisely enabling more sensitive testing of therapies than currently possible. In turn, this can accelerate the discovery of what does or does not work for neurorehabilitation and neurological research.

Dr. Hill obtained his doctorate in 2002 from University of Oxford, England, for his thesis entitled Testing Hypotheses about Psychometric Functions. The software he developed for this thesis has been widely used by psychophysics researchers around the world, with Google reporting over 1400 citations of the two 2001 papers that introduced it, co-authored with Felix Wichmann. In 2015, Dr. Hill became the Director of Neurotechnoloy for the Burke-Blythedale Pediatric Neuroscience Research Collaboration to bring neuroscience advances to children with neurological impairments through a partnership between Burke Neurological Institute and Blythedale Children’s Hospital.

An awards ceremony was held on September 20 in Rye Brook in recognition of the Doctors of Distinction honorees.


Conditions & Recovery

Traumatic Brain Injury icon
In the U.S., over 5.3 million adults and children live with TBI.
Cerebral Palsy icon
Worldwide, over 24 million children and adults are living with CP.
Stroke icon
Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the U.S.
Motor Recovery Icon
Write and walk again.
Cognitive Recovery icon
Remember and speak clearly.
Vision Recovery icon
See better.