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Neurobiology of Sympathetic Neurons in Health and Trauma

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Event Flyer: 
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Patricia Jillian Ward, Ph.D. headshot
Assistant Professor
Department of Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine


My research explores mechanisms of neuronal regeneration and plasticity following central or peripheral trauma with a recent emphasis on the regeneration of post-ganglionic sympathetic axons. I also examine how sympathetic innervation of skeletal muscle modulates behavior, function, and mitochondrial biology in normal and neural injury conditions, like spinal cord injury.

Name, title, Credentials: Jill Ward, PhD, Assistant Professor

Abstract Figure


Tian T, Moore A, Ghareeb PA, Boulis N, *Ward PJ *corresponding author
A Perspective on Electrical Stimulation and Sympathetic Regeneration in Peripheral Nerve Injuries. Neurotrauma Reports
Neurotrauma Reports
Grlickova-Duzevik E, Michael M, McGrath-Conwell A, Neufeld P, Reimonn TM, Tian T, Owyoung J, Molliver DC, *Ward PJ, *Harrison BJ. *Co-corresponding author
Members of the CUGBP Elav-Like Family of RNA-Binding Proteins are Expressed in Distinct Populations of Primary Sensory Neurons
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2023 Aug;531(14):1425-1442
Wariyar SS, Brown AD, Tian T, Pottorf T, Ward PJ*. *corresponding author
Angiogenesis is critical for the exercise-mediated enhancement of axon regeneration following peripheral nerve injury.
Experimental Neurology. 2022 Mar 5;353:114029


Tuesday, April 9, 2024 - 12:30pm


Conference Room: 
Billings Building – Rosedale

More Information

Darlene White