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A Meeting of the Minds


As part of Burke Rehabilitation Center’s continued centennial celebration the hospital and research community and invited guests gathered October 9 - 10, 2015 for the Burke Centennial Neurorehabilitation Symposium: A Meeting of the Minds – Leading Rehabilitation Research into the Future. Dr. George D. Yancopoulos the founding scientist, president, and chief scientific officer of Regeneron Laboratories delivered the keynote address, The Building of a Better Biotech Company: the story of Regeneron.

Neuroscientists, neurologists and rehabilitation specialists from Burke Medical Research Institute; Burke Rehabilitation Hospital; Weill Cornell Medical College; Georgetown University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Harvard University; University of California, Irvine Medical Center; University of California, Los Angeles; Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center; Neural Stem Cell Institute; Regeneron Laboratories; Biogen; and Acorda Theraputics presented at the symposium across three sessions: The Science of Neural RepairClinical Opportunities in Neurorehilitation, and The Future of Neurorehabilitation.

Insightful, forward-looking presentation topics focused on neurological conditions, neuroscience research and therapeutic treatments including vision loss, diabetes, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injures, dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, neural stem cells, non-invasive brain stimulation, robotics, brain-computer interfaces, nutrition and drug discovery.

“This celebratory symposium represented an opportunity to retrace some of our biggest and most impactful steps, to share our current capacities for clinical care, teaching and research, and, along with some of our most esteemed colleagues, to collectively chart a vision toward the future—a future where neurological disability can be cured,” said Rajiv R. Ratan M.D., Ph.D., executive director of the Burke Medical Research Institute.


Conditions & Recovery

Motor Recovery Icon
Write and walk again.
Vision Recovery icon
See better.
Stroke icon
Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the U.S.
Spinal Cord Injury icon
Around the world, between 300,000 and 500,000 people are living with a SCI.
Traumatic Brain Injury icon
In the U.S., over 5.3 million adults and children live with TBI.
Retinal Degenerative Diseases icon
These will double by 2050.